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hand picking fruit tree on the globe with fruits falling all into a basket - Upscaled by _

Welcome to Volunteer Registration

To register, please complete the two-step process:

( 1 ) creating a user account and ( 2 ) indicating your volunteer preferences. It should take approximately 5-10 minutes to complete.


Please note that having your own vehicle is beneficial. Prior to starting the registration process, we kindly request that you review the volunteer commitment and information about the various volunteer roles available.


Different volunteer roles have varying levels of commitment, and you can choose a role that best fits your availability as all shifts are self-scheduled. Fruit Pickers and Produce Gleaners are more flexible roles where you can volunteer whenever you're able. Tree Assessors and Harvest & Gleaning Leaders are considered core roles, and we expect a consistent commitment throughout the season.


To ensure the Fruit Tree Picking and Produce Gleaning runs smoothly, any volunteer can choose from a variety of roles in the harvest and gleaning processes. There is no limit to the number of roles a volunteer can select. Once a general orientation is completed, all volunteers will also be authorized as Fruit Pickers and Market Gleaners. If interested in Employment, please notate interest when submitting application.
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